Welcome to a western sanctuary!

Aristos Books

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    The book series The West Is the Light is an affirmation of European values in the broadest sense. Taken as a whole, the West is a remarkable constellation of human potential that has blazed a unique story that is at times stranger than fiction.

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    About the Author

    An American who discovered the beauty of the West at an early age, Eddie Zapata has begun a book series that is a love letter to European culture as a way of saying thank you for its many blessings. Join my hero, Clark, as he travels across centuries guided by a mysterious book.

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    The West Is the Light

    And here is the book that expresses all the sentiments articulated on this website, The West Is the Light: Heed the Call (Volume One). It is my debut book as an author. Tell me what you think! Click on the button below to purchase your copy at Amazon.

Contact eddie zapata

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